Nathalie Gaiswinkler

Age: 19

Origin: District Zwettl

Course of studies: Bachelor of Social Work 

Why is the project Peers4You important to you?

I think there is still too little talk about (psychological) problems in our society. With my work I would like to contribute to giving people a place where they can open up.

What characterizes you as a Peers4You advisor?

I am basically a person who has a good sense of what words are appropriate at the moment, however I can also sense very well when it is simply time to just listen for once and leave the space opposite the person.

What is typical for you as a person?

I think what stands out is my reflective nature, I reflect a lot on myself, interactions with others and also the behaviors and reactions of others. This also contributes to the fact that I am often estimated older than I actually am 😉 . In addition, I am very structured, neat, and reliable, qualities that others also like to use 😉.

What is your pursue in life?

Your success will be seen not only by how much you get, but also by how much you give.

What is your favorite hobby?

I think at the moment actually dealing with myself, I am currently very busy with the topics around mindfulness, positive mindset, personal development and the like, I prefer to do this in the form of podcasts. The topic of nutrition and sports has also become more and more present in my life lately.